No matter what's going on in your state and local area during this time, the outdoors are open and are a great way to stay healthy, and remain sane during these stressful weeks. Many states are beginning their annual stocking programs or are simply opening up their trout seasons early. Now, we know stockers may not be on the top of your target species list, but man, when you need to scratch that fly fishing itch, they are always there and more than willing to crush flies. Over the past weekend, we managed to sneak out onto some local trout water in New Jersey and escape. It felt freeing to break out of the house, grab our spring trout boxes and 5 WT's, and get after some trout. So, we figured we should give you a glimpse into our Spring fly boxes and discover the best patterns to throw for trout right now!
Guide Buggers
It's no secret that trout love bugger-style patterns. There's a good reason that they're in nearly every angler's trout box, hell, we even make one for the flats. Fish can't resist the erratic twitching and life-like movement of the pattern. Our new Guide Buggers are tied with Semperfli's new straggle string, which gives these little flies incredible flow and just the right amount of flash in the water. Strip them in, dead drift them, or suspend them under a bushy dry fly, these buggers work, and the trout certainly approve!
Wired Walt's Worm
Born in the hills of Pennsylvania, Walt's Worm is another absolute staple pattern in our spring trout boxes. They perfectly emulate just about any nymph or scud washing down a creek, and if pellet-head stockers around, the tan is a dead ringer for a stocked trout's favorite food, pellets that rain from the sky. These nymphs suspended under a Guide Floater dry fly, is essentially a one-way ticket to a net full of trout! And, if you're looking for something a little flashier, check out McKenna's Sexier Walt's, it's the same classic patterns with a little added pizzazz that is sure to grab the attention of any nearby trout!
Sucker Spawns & Egg Patterns
They might not be the prettiest or labeled as "dirty flies", but simply put, egg patterns and sucker spawns are surefire trout patterns in the early days of spring. Regardless of where you are in the Eastern States, fish eggs are in the system, and hungry trout fresh off their winter long fast will be keyed in on those little morsels of protein.
Caddis Pupae
Other than eggs, caddis may be one of the most prevalent trout forages in the East. Caddis spend most of their lifecycle crawling along the bottom of streams, waiting for the perfect conditions to hatch. While they're in the water, they can be easy targets for trout looking for a quick grubby snack as the caddis drift by in the current.
Dave McKenna's Rumble Series
They say good things come in three's, and Dave's Rumble series of flies is no different. The Rumble Pheasant (left), Rumble Bug (center) and Rumble Stone (right), all perform no matter the season. The Rumble Bug's contrasting Glo-Brite thread wraps create a trigger point that calls to trout to have a taste. Playing off that, Dave took the hot spot colors and doubled down when he designed the Rumble Stone and Pheasant, who both emulate nymphs commonly found in trout streams nearly year-round. From the trout streams of New Jersey to the mighty Colorado River, these bugs are responsible for countless trout!
High-Floating Dry Flies
As Steve Brown always says, "Our dry flies remove the need for indicators on the river altogether," and isn't that the truth. Our Guide Stimis and Guide Floaters sit high in the water and can suspend the heaviest of our jigged-nymph patterns with ease. As the hatches of spring begin to kick off, you'll find a dry-dropper rig on our fly rods until the Fall. And besides, it always pays to have a few in your trout box for when those unexpected risers pop up in your favorite creek!
Having trouble picking the right flies for your area?
Let us take the guesswork out of your fly selection and put our decades of combined trout fly fishing to use. We'll select the best flies for your favorite trout stream!
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